Thursday, December 11, 2008

Voddie is the man!


The Traynums said...

Y'all need one, too!!!!!
(in reference to your comment on our blog :) )

Tripp & Rachel MacLeod said...

Wow, I've never even HEARD of this guy (but I'm pregnant and maybe that's just slipped through the cracks for the time being), but he is RIGHT on the money! I love what he said!!
He was a good reminder to me about Titus 2 women being keepers of their homes. I cherish that chapter in the NT. It reminds me that what I do as a mama and wife IS important eternally in the lives of the 3 people I try to serve and love in my home.
Society really does try to dictate what we as evangelicals "should" do in "todays" church. But Voddie's right; that is completely the oposite of what we as the church should be doing! The truth IS the truth no matter what the date is.
Thanks for posting this Nick & Brandie! I'll be looking for more good juicy tidbits from this awesome man of God! :o)
Rachel (and Tripp but he's fast asleep) :o)